art work by John Ceprano
CINERGY (tm) - Peacebuilding... one person at a time

Being Unafraid to Feel

“The bravest thing you can do is be unafraid to feel”- Bridgett Devoue

When we feel emotional about a conflict – hurt, anger, betrayal, disappointment, and so on – it is a clear sign that something important to us is being challenged or threatened or undermined. That might seem like an understatement. However, the importance of acknowledging what emotions we are experiencing and why cannot be overstated. That is, it’s important and brave to remain unafraid to feel what is going on for us at these times.

This is for many reasons, one of which is that when we step back – and identify the emotions and to what they relate – we gain a better understanding of what motivated our reactions and ongoing ruminations. Also, by taking some time and thinking things out a bit, we start to make a shift to reflection from reaction, which helps move us into a more productive mind set. That shift often facilitates the ability to gain a better perspective, including an understanding of what is motivating the other person. Or, at least, we might move into a better head space to be able to engage them in a conversation – rather than a confrontation – about what is going on between us.

This week’s Conflict Mastery Quest(ions) blog invites you to consider an interpersonal dispute about which you are aware you are feeling afraid to let yourself feel or name your emotions about the other person, the situation or yourself.

  • What is the dispute about?
  • What three words describe what you are feeling about the other person?
  • What three words describe what you are feeling about yourself?
  • What are you afraid of feeling?
  • What are you afraid of saying to the other person?
  • What is the brave thing to do about the situation?
  • What is the brave thing to say?
  • What is the brave thing to feel about yourself?
  • If you were to feel what you are keeping inside, what do you fear might happen?
  • If you were to express what you are feeling how might that help?
  • What else occurs to you as you consider these questions?
  • What insights do you have?

#conflict management

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