art work by John Ceprano
CINERGY (tm) - Peacebuilding... one person at a time

Conflict Management Coaching Workshop

Conflict Management Coaching unites the fields of professional coaching and conflict management. It is a one-on-one process in which a trained coach assists people to effectively manage their interpersonal disputes and to gain increased competency in their conflict management skills. Conflict management coaching has wide application and may be used in the workplace and a range of other contexts. 

Conflict management coaching may also be used to prepare parties to participate in mediation, post-mediation and as an adjunct to conflict management training.

Our CINERGY Accredited Trainers provide in-person and virtual training to coaches, mediators, ombuds, leaders, lawyers, HR, psychologists, social workers and others ! Please check out the list of our Trainers and Coach-Mentors (under the About tab) to ensure you are being trained by our qualified practitioners.

Content of the Conflict Management Coaching Workshop

Among other things, this four-day workshop- adapted to the virtual platform –  teaches participants:

  • how conflict management coaching is different from other types of coaching
  • the principles and methods specific to conflict management coaching, with emphasis on how it applies to the workplace
  • how to conduct the stages of the CINERGY® model of conflict management coaching
  • practical considerations for coaching individuals about conflict
  • qualities and skills required to be an effective conflict management coach
  • about the different types of conflict management coaching and their application
  • ethical guidelines and standards for coaches practising this form of coaching

We also provide documents and other tools to support a conflict management coaching practice.

On Completion

On completion, participants receive a Certificate of Attendance and we also offer a process to become a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach

International Coaching Federation (CCE)

Participants may receive up to 39 Continuing Coaching Education Units as approved by the International Coaching Federation (up to 34 Core Competencies and up to 5 Resource Development). The allocation depends on a number of factors, such as whether it is a virtual or in-person workshop. Participants are required to attend the classes and participate in the practices to receive credits.

ADR Institute of Canada

Mediator graduates of this workshop from Canada may apply the hours towards the educational component of the QMed and CMed designations (in accordance with the ADR Institute of Canada).

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

CINERGY® is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for up to 31 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

Certification – CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach (Dispute Specific)

If graduates would like to become a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach, we offer a Competency Assessment.  This usually takes place up to 3 months after the workshop, once candidates have sufficiently practiced the model. The evaluation considers proficiencies that rate coaching skills and mastery of the model and are based in part on competencies of the International Coaching Federation. Please contact us for more information.

Community of Practice

Graduates of the CINERGY Conflict Management Coaching Workshop are welcome to join the community of practice of CINERGY Coaches from around the world. They receive a monthly newsletter called CINERGEMS and may also participate in regular teletalks where we discuss a coaching topic or practice the model.

Training Method

Through self-reflection, skill-building exercises, discussion, simulations, demonstrations and skills practices, participants develop and practice conflict management coaching techniques and skills.

NOTE: There are a limited number of spaces available in each workshop. Spaces are held on a first come first served basis, on receipt of payment. CINERGY Coaching will confirm by the registration deadline whether there are enough participants for the workshop to proceed.  Workshops may fill up prior to the registration deadline.

Cancellation Policy

For any cancellations received after the registration deadline, there will be no refund, unless a replacement is found by the applicant.  There are no refunds/partial refunds for days/partial days missed.

To obtain further information, please contact CINERGY:

Phone: 416-686-4247


Workshops may be coordinated in your workplaces and cities. Please let us know if you are interested.

VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS: We are honoured that participants from all over the world join our workshops. The objectives, rigour and content of our training, both virtually and in-person, are consistent no matter where our Accredited Trainers are based.


Upcoming Conflict Management Coaching Workshops







Dates: March 10-29, 2025
Download: FlyerRegistration Form and Session Schedule
This workshop will be facilitated by Sharad Kerur
For information please contact Resolution Pathways
ET (Eastern Time/Canada)


Dates: March 18-April 10, 2025
For information and to register go to Global Coaching Institute
This workshop will be facilitated by Rho Sandberg
AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)


Dates: March 31- April 4, 2025
For information and to register go to Resolution Institute
AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)


Dates: April 10-May 9, 2025
For information and to register go to Conflict Connections
Download: Session Schedule
This workshop will be facilitated by Pattie Porter
PST (Pacific Standard Time/US)


Dates: July 8-31, 2025
For information and to register go to Global Coaching Institute
This workshop will be facilitated by Rho Sandberg
AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)


Dates: August 15-21, 2025
Download: FlyerRegistration Form and Session Schedule
This workshop will be facilitated by Cinnie Noble
For information please contact CINERGY Coaching
ET (Eastern Time/Canada)


Dates: October 7-30, 2025
For information and to register go to Global Coaching Institute
This workshop will be facilitated by Rho Sandberg
AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)


Dates: November 3-20, 2025
Download: FlyerRegistration Form and Session Schedule
This workshop will be facilitated by Sharad Kerur
For information please contact Resolution Pathways
ET (Eastern Time/Canada)



Dates: April 28-May 1, 2025
Location: Melbourne, Australia
For information and to register go to Resolution Institute


Dates: May 13-16, 2025
Location: Adelaide, Australia
For information and to register go to Resolution Institute

Get in Touch With Us

Phone 416-686-4247

Conflict Coaching Guild on LinkedIn

Request Information Here

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What Our Clients Say

CINERGY Coaching's Conflict Coaching workshop combines remarkable insights into both coaching and conflict management. It also provides participants with numerous opportunities to practice the coaching skills they need to help clients deal with conflict more effectively. Her approach to using powerful questions in conflict coaching is masterful!

Craig Runde, Former Director, Center for Conflict Dynamics, Eckerd College and co-author of "Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader" and "Building Conflict Competent Teams"
St. Petersburg, Florida

CINERGY conflict coaching training provided me with excellent tools with which to pursue my own coaching practice. I found her workshop very thorough and the practical exercises provided great insight into how powerful the conflict coaching process can be. I found Cinnie’s knowledge, coaching and training approach inspiring and would recommend her workshops to all practitioners involved in conflict resolution.

Mary Lou O'Kennedy,
Oak Conflict Dynamics
Dublin, Ireland

The CINERGY Conflict Coaching training supported my professional growth as a practitioner by giving me a quality, well-thought out and researched coaching model. This structured process produces realistic results for clients empowering them to embrace conflict in constructive and productive ways.

Patricia Porter, LCSW,
Conflict Connections, Inc.
San Antonio, TX

The CINERGY Conflict Coaching training was comprehensive, cohesive and efficient. The trainers honoured the principles of adult learning and sustained an inclusive, supportive and respectful learning environment – complemented with just the right amount of fun. I now have a dynamic model that enables a formal, coherent approach to working with conflict constructively. Thank you.

Sandra Walden Pearson

I cannot thank you enough for the fantastic model you've created and shared. Since completing this course I have had profound professional and personal development and insight. The success achieved in dealing with workplace matters in this structured and competent manner has been astounding.

Annette Balshaw,
People & Culture Consultant

As employers move from a punitive approach to a restorative approach - conflict management coaching is a necessary tool for union representatives to assist their members in managing interpersonal conflicts. Conflict management coaching is something most representatives are already doing – this training helps with that process by giving you an excellent format to follow.

Susan Houston
Chartered Mediator
Canadian Auto Workers
National Coordinator Employment Equity