I really like this quote, for many reasons. For one, it reminds me that some conflicts are just not reconcilable. It happens that, at times, what another person says or does is totally unacceptable. Under these circumstances, and others that are really not solvable, there’s good reason to walk away and to believe in, respect and trust ourselves – to not give in, or fight, or try to change the other person.
This quote also reminds me that it takes courage to act on our beliefs, to face the situation face on, and boldly move on and away. Of course, it’s not so easy to walk away from some people and some situations. However, to do so with dignity and our heads held high means different things to different people. It may be that we do not second-guess, agonize or criticize ourselves after we courageously walk away. Rather, it is to show the wisdom and strength of our convictions by removing ourselves from a situation that is unproductive and unhealthy AND celebrating our dignified, bold selves for doing so.
This week’s Conflict Mastery Quest(ions) blog asks you to consider a conflict situation where you want to walk away and show wisdom and courage and dignity in doing so.