Interpersonal conflict can bring out things in us that we (and others) do not like. Our usual way of interacting may turn into one that is uncharacteristic of us and how we want to show up. Our responses may surprise and upset us. We might be consciously or unconsciously aware we are re-enacting a parent’s or someone else’s reaction, though we don’t like it. Our communication style at these times may also remind us of other occasions we also acted in this manner. In the end, it’s mystifying why we interact the way we do. While other times we have a good idea of why.
The raw emotions that reflect our hurt, anger, rage, disappointment, dejection and other distraught feelings from the interaction frequently account for how we communicate in conflict. We might also not like how the outcome is headed – such as getting the result we want. We may try different ways of responding in hopes we will persuade the other person to see things our way. Or, feeling fed up, despairing and exhausted may also contribute to who and how we become under conflict stress.
Having lost perspective and a sense of how we want to be and be perceived despite the impact of the conflict, we often don’t have the wherewithal to contemplate the optimal way of responding that aligns with our hopes and expectations for the relationship and outcome.
Consider these questions as you bring to mind a conflict in which you acknowledge you weren’t who you wanted to be.