When we become provoked by something the other person says or does, we have a choice about how to respond. That is, even though our initial response may be to react adversely, we do not actually need to retaliate, blame and otherwise demonstrate behaviours or use words that further add to the tension.
Of course, it’s not always easy to refrain from these sorts of negative reactions when we are hurt, offended, insulted and so on. It’s also not easy to consider, at these times, that we are at choice – to proceed carefully. Rather, we may not care about the other person or her or his feelings in the moment and instead, we just want to defend ourselves and hurt back.
In an effort to become more conflict masterful, this week’s Conflict Mastery Quest(ions) blog invites you to consider a situation in which someone has offended you and your tendency is or was to offend back. It’s about being careful and care-ful.