art work by John Ceprano
CINERGY (tm) - Peacebuilding... one person at a time

Presentations by Cinnie Noble

March 6, 2025, ADR Institute of Ontario

Female Leaders in Dispute Resolution 2025 Annual Showcase of Female Thought-Leadership in ADR

This special event acknowledged International Women’s Day and brought together three women in the ADR field including Cinnie, Susette Clunis and Hayley MacPhail  who shared a range of their experiences.  The Institute referred to this event as an opportunity to hear from women who are leading powerful, transformative work in the world of alternative dispute resolution and Cinnie was honoured to be asked to participate.

March 5, 2025, International Coaching Federation Toronto Chapter

What Makes Conflict Management Coaching Different from other Coaching Processes

It is inevitable in most coaching practices that coaches encounter clients who are wanting to find their way through their interpersonal disputes and strengthen their conflict competence. As a pioneer of the coaching specialty, Cinnie discussed the conflict management, coaching, and neuroscience principles which informed the cornerstones of a specific process she developed for these purposes. She shared with members a number of important strategies gained from extensive research and experience that help serve clients in conflict.

January 28, 2025 ADR Institute of Ontario

Discover the Power of Conflict Management Coaching

This panel brought for the ADR Institute of Ontario was brought to members by the Conflict Management Coaching  Section of this organization. Panel members –  Cinnie, co-chair of the Section Shelley Stirling Boyes, Sharad Kerur,  Kelly Brown and moderator Debbie Kassirer  shared  their experiences on  how Conflict Management Coaching is transforming the dispute resolution field by providing examples of the many applications of this process, lessons learned and the potential for future growth.

August 21, 2024 Resolution Institute – Australia

Conflict Management Coaching and How it Fits within the Dispute Resolution Field

In this webinar, Cinnie shared her experience on how and why conflict management coaching has evolved to become a method of choice for many people in conflict and for use by dispute resolution practitioners alike. In this webinar, Cinnie discussed the types of cases that are well-suited for this specialized  form of coaching and the range of goals that people bring to  coaches.

July 10, 2024, Professional Development Group for Family Mediators (PDG) with the Southern California Mediation Association (SCMA)


In this webinar, Cinnie spoke about the important role mediators have in effectively managing the range of concerns that many participants express when they are about to enter the mediation process. This includes the sorts of anxieties and fears that have the potential for interfering with their ability to effectively engage in a process about which they have limited understanding and much angst. Based on her research and the development of the CINERGY model of conflict management coaching, Cinnie shared her findings and the process she uses to prepare mediation parties to engage in mediation.

Victorian Association Dispute Resolution (Australia) – June 12, 2024

Conflict Management Coaching – Where and How it Fits in the Field of DR

In this webinar, Cinnie shared how the unique coaching technique  – conflict management coaching- first evolved over 20 years ago and the research she did into its development. How coaching  is used and increasingly, how DR practitioners and coaches are incorporating the process in their work, formed part of Cinnie’s presentation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario – May 2, 2024

Conflict Management Coaching: Where and How this Process fits into the Dispute Resolution Field

In this webinar, Cinnie discussed what how conflict management coaching is and how it fits within the Dispute Resolution field. She provided examples of applications and case studies that explain how coaching works and the sorts of outcomes that clients work towards and achieve through this form of coaching.  Cinnie also discussed the conflict management, coaching and neuroscience principles that support the coaching model she developed over 20 years ago.

JADE Mediation Practice Group – March 25, 2024

“It’s All About the Questions: Don’t You Think? 

Dispute resolution practitioners incorporate various techniques to engage people in conflict – to help them open-up and express themselves, to communicate their positions and interests, to gain insights, to calm down, and so on. Asking questions is just one of the tools used in this work to help facilitate the parties’ interactions and the problem-solving process, in general. AND of course,  it’s an important skill that essentially ensures the mediation conversation stays on track and addresses the parties’ interests. To some extent, questioning skills are second nature in mediators’ efforts to focus parties on the issues in dispute and what they are aiming to achieve. However,  for the JADE Mediation Practice Group session Cinnie invited members to challenge themselves and expand their thinking about questioning skills as she shared some things she has learned about this ‘art’ in her work as a mediator and conflict management coach.

ICF Virginia Chapter – November 9, 2023

Conflict Management Coaching: What Makes this Coaching Specialty Different

In this webinar , Cinnie discussed what conflict management coaching is including its many applications and the types of goals clients bring to this form of coaching – focused on  inter-relational challenges in their personal or professional lives. She shared her research process and findings including what distinguishes coaching people in conflict from clients with unrelated goals. Cinnie also shared some of the results of her research including the three pillars upon which the CINERGY model evolved-  coaching, conflict management and neuroscience principles.

ICF Michigan  Chapter – September 20, 2023 International Coaching Federation Michigan Chapter

Conflict Management Coaching: What Makes the Coaching Process Different

In this teleclass, Cinnie shared her research process and findings regarding the development of a coaching model specific to supporting clients in their efforts to gain increased ability to engage in their interpersonal disputes. She included several important considerations and points that distinguish coaching people in conflict from clients with other goals. To her surprise, some of the results of her research challenged a few skills which are considered core competencies but, are not always well-received by people in conflict. Cinnie discussed these findings and invited a conversation about the effectiveness of summarizing, paraphrasing, and reframing. Some alternative ways of demonstrating effective listening and empathy were discussed as part of this important conversation.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) – December 9, 2021

“Siblings from Different Parents” – Cinnie spoke to conflict specialists of FEMA on the similarities and differences between conflict management coaching and mediation from her experience, and how coaching is used within the conflict management field. In some ways these processes are related and yet, in some ways they are very different – both in process and objectives.

Mediators’ Institute of Ireland Conference (MII) – December 3, 2021

Cinnie was a keynote speaker for the MII yearly conference – “A Year Like No Other”. The title of her presentation was “It’s time to write a new story” and she shared concepts, thoughts and ideas that DR professionals may consider as we push forward in these unprecedented times.

Clubhouse – September 17, 2021

Cinnie was invited by Better Conflict Conversations Project run by Jessica Hawkins and Keita Demming – joined also by Sarah Albo – to have a conversation about her views as a conflict coach and speaking also, about how to engage more effectively in difficult conversations .

Conflict Management Coaching: Applications, Principles and More – September 13, 2021

Cinnie spoke to the Society of Mediation Professionals (Singapore) and discussed the growth of conflict management coaching in the DR field and the many applications mediators are incorporating into their conflict management practices around the world. She explained the essence of what coaching provides for clients in addition to and differently than mediation and other DR techniques.

Conflict Management Coaching : the Growth and Applications of this DR Technique – June 9, 2021

Cinnie – a guest faculty for the Masters of Law in Dispute Resolution program at Osgoode Hall Law School – presented on how this specialized coaching technique has evolved within the field of Dispute Resolution field. She discussed the ways in which practitioners have applied the tools and techniques to develop their practices and offer a broader range of possible ways to support parties and individual clients engage in conflict and participate in various DR processes.

2021 Symposium: “Resilience in Recovery” by the ADR Institute of British Columbia (ADRBC) – June 8, 2021

For this event, Cinnie shared a panel with Tammy Lenski and Eva Malisius on how conflict management coaching has grown within the dispute resolution field. The panelists responded to questions by Brin Hamilton, ADRBC President, and the audience about many aspects of this coaching specialty including why and how it has evolved, its applications as used by the panel members, the skills needed, and many other aspects of interest.

ACR-Greater New York and CUNY Dispute Resolution Center at John Jay College- VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE BREAKFAST : Conflict Coaching: Applications, Principles and More – May 6, 2021

Twenty years ago, when Cinnie pioneered a unique model for coaching people to strengthen their conflict management skills and ability to engage in conflict, the field of coaching and this speciality were in their embryonic stages. Now, this process has found a foothold in both fields – of Dispute Resolution and Coaching. In this virtual roundtable, Cinnie shared her experience researching, creating and practising a coaching framework for assisting people to develop the confidence and competence to engage in conflict. In this webinar, Cinnie addressed a number of concepts about coaching itself as its own discipline and as an integral part of dispute resolution processes. She also discussed the CINERGY model and the pillars that form it- conflict management, coaching and neuroscience.

WELLNESS WORKSHOP II – Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario – April 28, 2021

This day long workshop featured a series of practical strategies for conflict resolvers that uniquely focus on health and wellness. This year’s event considered the unprecedented times being experienced due to COVID which adds increased anxiety to the unsettling experience of conflict for disputing parties and for practitioners alike. Cinnie spoke specifically to Being Present – how to get there and how to stay there during our engagement with people in conflict.

Year of Living Brilliantly, 2021

Cinnie was honoured to be part of Michael Bungay Stanier’s (MBS) amazing Year of Living Brilliantly and spoke about the various ‘R’s’ needed to be able to shift from reaction to resilience to conflict mastery.



Conflict Management Coaching: A Fast-Growing Technique for Mediators and Other Conflict Management Practitioners

On November 17 2020, Cinnie presented a webinar for the Hong Kong Institute of Mediation, to discuss the growth of conflict management coaching in the field of Dispute Resolution (DR) and Coaching. She talked about what this coaching specialty is and where it fits within the DR spectrum. Cinnie shared the research that went into developing the CINERGY coaching model and the many applications of this technique that have evolved over time.


On November 9, 2020 Cinnie participated in a stimulating Q and A conversation with member coaches of coach-collab who asked great questions about conflict management coaching, such as: What is conflict? What distinguishes this form of coaching from others? What is one tip about a way to manage conflict? and others.

Experience Exchange: Building a Solid Mediation Practice

The Experience Exchange meeting on October 19,2020 was organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Mediation in collaboration with the International Academy of Mediation. Cinnie was honoured to share a panel with two other mediators to discuss the many considerations for starting a mediation practice.

Conflict Management Coaching: A Speciality in Our Expansive Field

In her hour long presentation on August 26, 2020, Cinnie spoke with International Coaching Federation (ICF) Atlantic members on the research and development of a specialized model for coaching leaders and others to gain the skills and confidence to engage in interpersonal conflict. She talked about the neuroscience, coaching and conflict management principles that informed the creation of the CINERGY model in 1999, and explained the conflict analysis developed to be used by clients to improve the way they perceive their disputes.

Conflict Management Coaching

On June 19, 2020 Cinnie spoke to members of the ADR Institute of British Columbia (ADRBC) on how the process of conflict management coaching has evolved in the DR field and the applications being used by trained coaches. Cinnie provided examples of case studies and shared other information of interest to mediators, lawyers, facilitators and coaches. A link to this presentation may be obtained from  ADRBC at

Conflict Management Coaching- also known as Conflict Coaching

On May 25, 2020 Cinnie taped an hour long program for the Resolution Institute (RI). This organization has offices in Australia and New Zealand, and provides training in conflict management coaching in both countries. For more information and to obtain the recording, contact RI at

What is Conflict Management Coaching and Where does it Fit in the DR Field?

On May 9, 2020, Cinnie facilitated a webinar for the ADR Institute of Alberta on the above topic. She spoke about what coaching is, the applications of this process and the many ways it is being used by conflict management practitioners. The YouTube link is:

Workplace Special Interest Section  of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario

February 19, 2020 – Toronto

Cinnie participated in an interesting panel facilitated by the Workplace Special Interest Section of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario. The panel and participants  discussed and compared answers to various questions from the perspective of a range of practitioners – investigators, mediators and conflict management coaches such as how do we get to ‘the heart of the matter.’

Department of Defence ADR Coordinating Committee

September 26, 2019 – Webinar

Cinnie was invited to speak about conflict management coaching in the field of ADR for employees of DoD (U.S.). Specifically, she spoke about how this process provides another tool for mediators to help parties strengthen their ability to engage in conflict and to participate in mediation (using pre-mediation coaching). Cinnie provided a brief overview of the CINERGY® model and shared the various other ways conflict management coaching is applied in the DR field.

JADE Mediation Practice Group

April 29, 2019 – Toronto

As a guest of JADE, a Toronto-based organization that provides mediation practice opportunities for members, Cinnie shared her experience with conflict management coaching and its development in the ADR field.

Virginia Mediation Network

April 13, 2019 – Richmond, Virginia

Cinnie spoke at the Virginia Mediation Network’s spring conference on the topic of “The Nexus of Conflict Management Coaching and Mediation”. She provided an overview of what conflict management coaching is and its many applications. The focus was on the use of pre-mediation coaching to prepare parties to participate in the mediation process relating to their interpersonal disputes.

Toronto Organizational Development Network

April 17, 2019 – Webinar

In this webinar for TODN Cinnie spoke on the topic of “What Constitutes a Conflict Intelligent Organization?” and what the ingredients are for building one. She also shared her expertise about the opportunities to be gained from facing conflict head on.

Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches

March 19, 2019 – Webinar

Cinnie presented a webinar for the Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches entitled “Conflict Management Coaching: Facilitating Our Clients’ Way Through and Out of Their Interpersonal Disputes”. This presentation provided members with an overview of the CINERGY® model and concepts related to coaching clients through their conflicts. Cinnie also spoke on what distinguishes conflict management coaching from other coaching frameworks.

International Coach Federation, ICF Metro DC Chapter

November 21, 2018 – Webinar

In this webinar for ICF Metro DC chapter, Cinnie discussed her evidence-based CINERGY® model of conflict management coaching  specifically designed to help clients optimize their ability to engage in conflict. Coaches learned what distinguishes this form of coaching from others and considered how three coaching competencies – planning and goal setting, establishing trust and intimacy with the client, and questioning skills –support its application.

International Coach Federation, Virginia Chapter

November 5, 2018 – Webinar

Cinnie spoke on the topic of “Conflict Management Coaching: Coaching Clients Through the Chaos of Conflict” for this webinar held by the Virginia Chapter of ICF. She shared her experience about what she discovered in her research and coaching practice that helps clients through the chaos of conflict, and referred to the conflict management, neuroscience and coaching principles that informed the making of her model.

International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring

September 26, 2018 – Webinar

In this webinar for the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring Cinnie spoke on the topic of “Conflict Management Coaching: What Makes this Special Skill Special?” She described her well-researched coaching model (based on coaching, conflict management and neuroscience principles) that is designed to help clients optimise their ability to engage in conflict. Cinnie also shared what distinguishes this form of coaching from others and what else makes it a special specialty. The PowerPoint slides may be accessed here. – “An Introduction to Conflict Management Coaching”

July 12, 2018 – Course

Cinnie conducted a webinar for – “An Introduction to Conflict Management Coaching” in which she spoke about how this process (also known as conflict coaching) fits within the dispute resolution spectrum. Her overview included the types of objectives clients bring to this process, how this technique is different from mediation, why clients choose coaching instead of other dispute resolution processes, how conflict management coaching works in tandem with other techniques, and a range of both process and logistical considerations. For information on this course go to:

European Mentoring and Coaching Council – “Building Conflict Competence: A Leader’s ‘Must Have’”

July 4, 2018 – Webinar

In a webinar for the EMCC on “Building Conflict Competence: A Leader’s ‘Must Have’”, Cinnie described what distinguishes conflict management coaching from other forms of coaching and otherwise, spoke on the importance of leaders being competent in their ability to constructively manage conflict. That is, having strong competency in this area is a ‘must have’ to be truly effective in their roles, though many leaders admit they are lacking in the requisite skills and knowledge.

European Mentoring and Coaching Council, 24th International Annual Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision Conference

April 13, 2018 – Amsterdam

In this conference session, Cinnie spoke on the topic of “Building Conflict Competence – A Leader’s ‘Must Have’”. The session provided coaches with a framework based on coaching, conflict management and neuroscience principles to utilise in their work. Participants also learned about the unique conflict analysis tool that Cinnie developed that deconstructs clients’ disputes to be able to reconstruct the way forward.

Logavak Opleidingsgroep

April 11, 2018 – Amsterdam

In this class Cinnie shared her insights about conflict management and provided her perspective on ways to make conflict a better experience for people. She also discussed the operating principles of conflict management coaching and described the theory of the CINERGY® model, along with applications and types of cases in which this technique is used.

American Bar Association, 20th Annual Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference

April 6, 2018 – Washington, D.C.

In this conference Cinnie was part of a panel, along with Sam Hardy, Dr. Cindy Mazur and Michael West, who together presented on the topic of “Shifting Conflict Stories – Creating and Claiming More Meaning”. The panel demonstrated how coaching conversations subtly evince recurring themes, reinforce unstated values, and open up energy and space to re-envision a positive way forward. They provided participants with methods to assist parties to use their stories to deepen self-understanding and create a greater commitment to bringing their best selves to resolving their disputes. Cinnie spoke specifically on the power of questions and how they support coaching clients to move from reaction to response.

HKU Space and ICF Hong Kong

May 16, 2017 – Hong Kong

In celebration of International Coaching Week, Cinnie presented on the topic “Conflict Management Coaching: Helping Our Clients Find Their Way Through Conflict”. Participants learned a context for a discussion on conflict management coaching, an evidence-based conflict analysis as a coaching tool, and the stages of the CINERGY® Conflict Management Coaching Model. Cinnie also discussed two ICF core competencies – goal setting and powerful questions – and how they apply in conflict management coaching.

Hong Kong Mediation Council

May 12, 2017 – Hong Kong

In this seminar Cinnie presented to a group of mediators, HR professionals and management executives on the topic of “Introduction to Workplace Mediation and Conflict Management Coaching”. The focus was on when and how workplace mediation can be used; the concepts and principles of Conflict Management Coaching; understanding the theory, principles and skills of the CINERGY® Model; how to incorporate this model and its techniques into the mediation process; and practical applications, strategies and cases.

American Bar Association, Dispute Resolution Section 19th Annual Conference

April 21, 2017 – San Francisco, CA

Cinnie was part of a panel, along with Tricia Jones, Vikram Kapoor and Merri Hanson, which discussed “The Future of Conflict Coaching in the [U.S.] Federal Sector”. Cinnie spoke specifically about the reasons for the growth of conflict management coaching, how the process works and applications. A portion of the article she submitted for this conference on the growth of conflict management coaching in Canada can be found here.

ADR Institute of Ontario, Conflict Management Coaching Special Interest Group

April 13, 2017 – Webinar

In this webinar on “Marketing Conflict Management Coaching” Cinnie spoke about various techniques that have worked for her and those that have not worked in promoting the concept of conflict management coaching within organizations and other contexts. For further information go to

The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Missouri Chapter

April 7, 2017 – St. Louis, Missouri

Cinnie presented a day-long program for members of the Association on the topic of “How Coaching Matters for Family Matters”. Among other topics, she provided an overview of coaching and specifically conflict management coaching; she discussed the differences between conflict management coaching and other modalities; and she discussed the applications of conflict management coaching within family-related contexts.

Conflict Management @ MIT

March 31, 2017 – Boston, MA

In a half-day workshop at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cinnie presented on the topic of “Honing Your Conflict Management Skills: Reframing and Asking Powerful Questions”. In this session participants revisited these important factors and variations of ways to engage those seeking assistance with their interpersonal conflicts.

Mediation Learning Enhancement Seminar Series – organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Mediation and HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education

March 1, 2017 – Hong Kong

Cinnie presented at this event for mediators and other ADR practitioners on the topic of conflict management coaching. She conducted a demonstration and addressed question such as: “What might you do when only one of the disputants shows up or wants to participate in mediation?” and “Have you considered proactive ways to help people prevent unnecessary conflict?”

Hospital Authority Kowloon Central Cluster Convention

February 24, 2017 – Hong Kong

Cinnie presented to this group of medical professionals on the topic of The High Cost of Conflict. She discussed the causes and impact of organizational conflict, common conflicts that arise in hospitals and healthcare facilities, the costs of poorly managed conflict, and how to effectively address workplace conflicts, including through mediation and conflict management coaching.

International Coach Federation – New Mexico Chapter

January 19, 2017 – Webinar

Cinnie presented for this ICF chapter on the topic of “Coaching Clients to Find Their Way Through Conflict”. In this webinar she discussed her evidence-based CINERGY® model of conflict management coaching specifically designed to help clients optimize their ability to manage and engage in their interpersonal disputes. She shared the principles that informed the development of this model, and  a coaching tool she created. Cinnie concentrated on three main coaching ICF competencies – goal setting, perspective taking and questioning skills.

International Coach Federation – Washington State Chapter

October 26, 2016 – Webinar

Cinnie conducted a 90 minute presentation on the topic of “Conflict Management Coaching: The Joys and Challenges”. In this interactive presentation she provided a context for participants’ discussion on the specialty of conflict management coaching and some distinguishing characteristics of this form of coaching. Cinnie talked about the evidence-based conflict analysis coaching tool she created and the joys and challenges of this form of coaching.

Association for Coaching

October 5, 13 & 20, 2016 – Webinar

Cinnie presented a 3-part webinar series on the topic of “Conflict Management and the Journey to Coaching Mastery”. The series included: what conflict mastery is and how a specialty known as conflict management coaching evolved to help people strengthen their conflict mastery skills; the operating principles of her model of conflict management coaching; and her 7-stage CINERGY® conflict management coaching framework designed to coach clients through their disputes.

For further information and to purchase the recordings contact Smaranda Dochia.

Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference

September 29, 2016 – Baltimore

Cinnie was a member of a panel facilitated by Susan Terry and Tammy Lenski on the topic of “Unique Methods of Using the Skills of the ADR Professional”. This panel aimed to broaden participants’ thinking about the expansiveness of the ADR field and the various career pathways that members developed. Cinnie spoke on the creation of her speciality – conflict management coaching.

Coalition of Federal Ombudsman

June 8, 2016

Cinnie presented at the monthly meeting of the Coalition of Federal Ombudsman on the topic of “Gossip and Rumors in the Workplace”. She discussed the impact of gossip and rumors in the workplace and the relationship with conflict and gossip. Cinnie also facilitated a discussion on how Ombuds may use this information in their practices.

Family Dispute Resolution Un-Conference: FDR Without Borders

May 4, 2016 – Toronto, Canada

Cinnie was a keynote speaker at the first ever un-conference in FDR. She spoke on the topic of “Pre-Mediation Coaching: Preparing People to ‘Be’ in Conflict”.

Millennial Leadership Summit – NextGenLeaders

April 19, 2016 – Toronto, Canada

Cinnie co-presented with Lisa Tomjenovic at the Millennial Leadership Summit on the topic of “Growing Managerial Courage and Conflict Capabilities”.

ADRIO’s 18th Annual Meet ‘N Greet: Power Up Your Practice

November 26, 2015 – Toronto, Canada

At this event Cinnie led a “table talk” on the “Power of Pre-Mediation Coaching”. In this discussion, participants considered ways to help disputants prepare to engage in conflict within the mediation process.

UBC Laboratory Quality Management Conference

October 30, 2015 – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

“Conflict Resolution Approaches for a Culture of Quality”

Cinnie conducted a workshop for participants of this conference in which she spoke, among other things, about various alternative dispute resolution options and how they facilitate conflict management engagement.

UBC Laboratory Quality Management Conference

October 28, 2015 – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

“Conflict Resolution and the Culture of Quality”

Cinnie was a keynote speaker at this conference. She discussed the intersection between building conflict competent people and organizations as a way of supporting laboratory culture and quality management.

Mediators Beyond Borders – Community Conversations

August 11, 2015 – Webinar

“Conflict Management Coaching: Its Emergence in the ADR Field”

Cinnie conducted a webinar for Mediators Beyond Borders in which she talked about the emergence of conflict management coaching in the ADR field. She also shared some of the similarities and differences between mediation and conflict management coaching, and how conflict management coaching is applied in mediation and other contexts.

International Coach Federation – Michigan Chapter

May 13, 2015 – Teleclass

“Conflict Mastery: Questions to Ask Your Client”

Cinnie conducted a teleclass for ICF Michigan in which she shared her 7 stage framework of the conflict management coaching model she developed in 1999. She then focussed her discussion on two ICF core competencies – powerful questions and goal setting – as they apply to this unique coaching specialty.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (ADRIO) – Workplace Section

May 12, 2015 – Toronto, Canada

“Conflict Management Coaching: Where and How it Fits in the Workplace ADR Spectrum”

In this session Cinnie described conflict management coaching and its various workplace applications. She shared a number of case studies demonstrating how coaching is used before, during and after conflict and as a pre-mediation and post-mediation process. Cinnie also discussed the steps of the CINERGY conflict management coaching model she created in 1999.

International Coach Federation – Toronto Chapter

March 25, 2015 – Toronto, Canada

“Conflict Management Coaching: Helping Our Clients Find Their Way Through Conflict”

In this interactive session Cinnie shared important aspects of conflict management coaching and her model for helping people strengthen their ability to engage in conflict more effectively and with increased confidence and competence. Cinnie also provided tips about coaching clients through their conflicts and participants experienced using a coaching tool she developed – known as The (Not So) Merry-Go-Round of Conflict –which helps deconstruct conflict.

Adler International Learning Central Europe

March 5, 2015 – Istanbul, Turkey

“Conflict Management Coaching: Reasons for Its Growth”

At this presentation Cinnie spoke to CEOs and HR Professionals from a range of companies based in Istanbul, Turkey about building conflict competent organizations. She also discussed how conflict management coaching applies as a means to strengthen leaders’ skills and abilities to effectively engage in conflict and how to manage others in their efforts to do so.

Texas Association of Mediators (TAM) Annual Conference “Re-Imagining- ADR: Adapting to Change and Expanding Possibilities”

February 21, 2015 – San Antonio, Texas

“Conflict Management Coaching: Techniques for Mediators”

In this interactive workshop Cinnie described conflict management coaching and its increasing use in the field of ADR. She shared coaching concepts and techniques for mediators. This included pre-mediation and post-mediation mechanisms that facilitate parties’ experience of engaging in this alternative conflict management mechanism.

Texas Association of Mediators (TAM) Annual Conference “Re-Imagining- ADR: Adapting to Change and Expanding Possibilities”

February 20, 2015 – San Antonio, Texas

“Outside the Mediator Realm: Expanding YOUR Possibilities”

Cinnie spoke on a panel whose members shared the various ways they apply their mediation skills. Cinnie provided case examples of how conflict management coaching may be used before, during and after conflict as a separate process and as a technique that is used in tandem with ADR processes, including mediation.

ADR Institute of Ontario

November 27, 2014 – Toronto, Canada

“Effective Coaching”

In this presentation in the form of “Table Talks”, Cinnie led a discussion on effective coaching and answered a number of questions including: What is coaching and, more specifically, what is conflict management coaching (aka conflict coaching)?; Why has this process continued to grow in the ADR field in the last ten years?; Who is suited for this process (as a client) and in what contexts?; Who isn’t suited for this process?; How is conflict management coaching different from mediation?; and How do the practitioners’ roles differ?

Osgoode Hall Law School, Masters in Law in Alternative Dispute Resolution

September 15, 2014 – Toronto, Canada

“Conflict Management Coaching –  Where and How it Fits”

As guest  faculty for the LL.M. (ADR) program, Cinnie shared her experience as a pioneer of conflict management coaching. She also talked about the current trends  of this specialized technique and their applications in the coaching and conflict management fields. Applications include pre- and post- mediation coaching, and clients’ goals regarding the development of conflict intelligence.

National Association for Community Mediation

June 26, 2014 – Webinar

“Conflict Management Coaching”

In a webinar for the National Association for Community Mediation Cinnie discussed: (1) what conflict management coaching is and how it has emerged within the ADR field; (2) how the CINERGY model was created 15 years ago and its 7 steps; (3) how this process is being applied within the ADR and coaching fields (with case examples) and where it fits along the continuum of options for people managing their interpersonal conflicts; and (4) principles that guide the conflict management coaching technique.

Corporate Human Rights Practitioners, Mount Sinai Hospital

June 3, 2014 – Toronto, Canada

“Developing Conflict Intelligent Leaders”

In this session Cinnie discussed what constitutes conflict intelligent leaders and how organizations may help their management and non-management staff develop competencies to more effectively engage in workplace conflict. She spoke about a holistic approach for helping people before, during, and after conflict. Cinnie stressed the importance of developing proactive ways for pre-empting unnecessary conflict and of strengthening peoples’ resilience post-conflict, including after engaging in processes such as mediation.

Continuing Legal Education British Columbia, Dispute Resolution Conference

May 26, 2014 – Vancouver, Canada

Keynote address

As a lawyer turned mediator and a pioneer of conflict management coaching, Cinnie spoke at this event titled “Now for Something Completely Different” on her transition from the practice of law to her alternate careers. In an interview-style address she also answered questions on what conflict management coaching is, where it fits within the spectrum of processes designed to help people in conflict, and why it is steadily growing within the fields of law, coaching and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

International Coach Federation Victoria Chapter

February 20, 2014 – Melbourne, Australia

“Helping our Clients (and Us) Find Their Way Through Conflict”

In this session, Cinnie shared with ICF Victoria members what she has learned over the past 15 years about coaching people in conflict. She also discussed some tips for coaches to consider when helping their clients find their way through conflict, and in developing their own competence in this area.

Maine Association of Mediators and Sweetser

November 7, 2013 – Brunswick, Maine

“Conflict Management Coaching: Helping People Help Themselves”

Cinnie presented a day-long workshop on the concepts of conflict management coaching for the Maine Association of Mediators and Sweetser. Participants were given an overview and demonstration of the CINERGY® model of conflict management coaching and in an interactive way learned coaching principles and skills with respect to this coaching specialty.

Gold Standard ADR – ADR Institute of Canada National Conference and ICC Canada International Arbitration Conference

October 24, 2013 – Toronto, Canada

“Workplace Interventions: The Use of Mediation Skills in Related Workplace Disciplines”

Cinnie shared a panel with Sarah Atkinson, Jules B. Bloch, and Blaine Donais, who together explored the wide variety of workplace interventions, including investigations, conflict coaching, negotiations, collective bargaining, facilitation, grievance administration, and arbitration.

Making Peace Happen: New Normals – Association for Conflict Resolution, Annual Conference 2013

October 11, 2013 – Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Looking into the Crystal Ball of Workplace ADR: What Will the Future Bring?”

Cinnie shared this panel with Nancy Peace, Sharon Press, Barbara Beatty and Richard Fincher. In an interactive way, the panelists and audience discussed the future of workplace ADR as mediators, arbitrators, ombuds, and conflict management coaches. Together the panel members and audience discussed the evolution of client expectations about these processes and conflict management systems.

Association of Law Officers of the Crown

November 15, 2012 – Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario

“Law School Didn’t Teach Us About Our Own Conflicts!”

In this workshop, Cinnie shared her views about interpersonal conflict and how we develop conflict rulebooks. She discussed the ingredients of ‘conflict intelligence’ and invited the audience to examine their own ‘cycle of conflict’. Cinnie also discussed the impact of conflict on our brains.

Conflict Management Coaching Community of Practice -International Coach Federation

September 25, 2012 – Teleseminar

“Finding Courage to be in Conflict”

In this teleseminar for the Conflict Management Coaching Community of Practice of the International Coach Federation, Cinnie presented on the types of fears that many people experience about conflict and the courage it takes to effectively engage in it. She also outlined her 7-stage CINERGY model of conflict management coaching and discussed a number of applications of this framework.

An audio link to this teleseminar can be accessed here.

Association for Conflict Resolution – Annual Conference 2012

September 14, 2012 – New Orleans, Louisiana

“Creating Connections Through Coaching”

In this session Cinnie described the three platforms of the CINERGY model of conflict management coaching – coaching, conflict management and neuroscience. On this foundation, she discussed the various applications of conflict management coaching of particular interest to Alternative Dispute Resolution practitioners.

ADR Institute of Ontario

June 19, 2012 – Toronto, Ontario

“Conflict Management Coaching for ADR Practitioners”

In this presentation, Cinnie discussed the growth of conflict management coaching and its many applications within the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

An article that summarizes this presentation can be found here.

HR Congress XV

April 24, 2012 – Warsaw, Poland

Presentation: “Invisible Conflicts – Hidden Reserves of Organizational Potential?

Cinnie spoke on: the causes and impact of organizational conflict; the costs of poorly managed conflict; the lost potential of organizations’ human assets; and various ways that organizations may effectively address workplace conflicts.

A video link to this presentation can be accessed here.

Workshop: “Conflict Management Coaching – What is it and how does it work?”

Cinnie also conducted a workshop at this Congress in which she shared and demonstrated: what conflict management coaching is; what the CINERGY model is; how and why this method was developed; and how this process is used in organizations to help people increase their competencies to manage conflict more effectively.

Forgiveness Forum

April 5, 2012 – Teleclass

“Coaching Forgiveness”

In this teleclass, Cinnie shared her experience of how forgiveness fits into the process of coaching clients in their efforts to find their way through their interpersonal disputes. She also spoke on conflict intelligence.

An audio link of this presentation may be accessed here.

Mediators Beyond Borders

March 1, 2012 – Baltimore, Maryland

“Authors’ Panel”

Cinnie shared a panel with other authors – Kenneth Cloke, Joan Goldsmith and Nan Waller Burnett – and responded to questions by moderator Deborah Laufer such as: How has your book contributed to broadening the field of ADR? What challenges have you faced in bringing new ideas to the community? and Regarding peacebuilding, what learned lesson would you most want to share with this audience?

Ontario Bar Association – Alternative Dispute Resolution Section

February 27, 2012 – Toronto, Ontario

“Conflict Coaching for Dispute Resolution Practitioners”

Cinnie shared a panel with experienced lawyers, mediators and coaches (Robin Dodokin, David Drake and Jeff Morris) to discuss how dispute resolution professionals help clients through coaching to develop a deeper understanding of what drives their interpretations and behaviours in conflict. The panelists also discussed their perspectives on how to assist clients to gain increased clarity about the values at stake for them – to be able to achieve better and more lasting outcomes.

Conflict Coaching Committee (Workplace Section of the Association for Conflict Resolution)

January 5, 2012 – Teleclass

“Finding Courage to Engage in Conflict”

In this teleseminar, Cinnie discussed her seven-step method for helping people build conflict competence and develop stronger skills for managing their interpersonal disputes. She also shared her views and ideas on ways to facilitate the coaching conversation to help clients unravel their fears about conflict and gain courage to effectively engage in challenging interactions.

An audio link to this teleseminar may be accessed here.

Southern California Mediation Association 23rd Annual Fall Conference – Putting Mediation to Work: Expanding Horizons, Expanding Opportunities

November 5, 2011 – Malibu, California

“Conflict Management Coaching: What is it and where does it fit on the ADR spectrum?”

In this presentation, Cinnie discussed how conflict management coaching fits within the fields of coaching and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Association for Conflict Resolution – Annual Conference 2011

October 12, 2011 – San Diego, California

“Conflict Resolution Methods and Practices”

In this pre-conference session, Cinnie shared a panel with Vicki Knudsen, Rita Callahan and Bonnie Castrey in which they discussed the wide range of conflict management techniques that have steadily developed in the ADR field. Cinnie specifically spoke about conflict management coaching and its emergence as a distinct mechanism.

People for People – Human Resources & Conflict Management Conference

September 13, 2011 – Edmonton, Alberta

“Staying Apart from the Fray of Conflict”

At this conference, Cinnie conducted a workshop that considered: conflict intelligence and ways to increase it; what drives emotions in conflict; and how to effectively be around and engage in conflict while staying apart from the fray.

ADR Institute of Ontario – Harnessing Practical Science to Capture the Needs of Your Client and Improve Your Practice

November 5, 2010 – Toronto, Ontario

“Neuroscience of Conflict Resolution & Applied Neuroscience”

In this session, Cinnie discussed the increased research about the brain and how it applies to practitioners who help people in conflict to engage in processes designed to help them resolve their disputes.

Association for Conflict Resolution – Annual Conference 2010

September 3, 2010 – Chicago, Illinois

“The Transformational Power of Coaching”

In this interactive workshop, Cinnie and three other experienced coaches (Bob Acton, Emily Gould and David Savage) discussed how coaching works to help people make changes in their personal and professional lives. They also shared mindfulness and other techniques that increase self-awareness, facilitate presence, and assist clients to transform how they experience conflict.

American Psychological Association – Work, Stress & Health Conference

November 8, 2009 – San Juan, Puerto Rico

“Designing Conflict Coaching Programs”

In this presentation, Cinnie and colleague Bob Acton discussed the range of options for preventing, identifying, and resolving conflict in organizations. They shared their views on ways to foster a culture that welcomes healthy dissent and encourages resolution at the lowest level.

HR Congress XIII

October 26, 2009 – Warsaw, Poland

“Building Conflict Competent Organizations”

In this presentation, Cinnie discussed the concept of conflict competent organizations. She presented the ingredients needed to build a culture in which the skills, knowledge, and ability to manage and engage in conflict are core competencies.

Association for Conflict Resolution – Annual Conference 2009

October 10, 2009 – Atlanta, Georgia

“Sharing Our Applications of Conflict Coaching”

This panel included other conflict management practitioners who are also conflict coaches (Sam Slosberg, Pattie Porter and Ross Brinkert) and who provided their various perspectives on the many applications of conflict coaching. Panel members discussed how this fast growing ADR technique may be used in workplaces with and without an Integrated Conflict Management System, within higher education, and in other contexts.

Virginia Mediation Network – Annual Fall Training Conference

October 5, 2009 – Richmond, Virginia

“How Conflict Coaching Works in Government ADR Programs”

Cinnie and Michael Rawlings discussed the exponential growth of conflict coaching in federal government agencies as a new tool for ADR practitioners. They also discussed their joint work on the design of the Conflict Coaching Program at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

Here is an article on this initiative. A subsequent article about the Conflict Management Coaching Program may be found here.

International Ombudsman Association

April 18, 2009 – Montreal, Quebec

“Conflict Coaching for the Ombuds: Dealing with Difficult Situations”

In this presentation with colleague Ed Modell, the focus was on particularly difficult workplace situations and how conflict coaching is used to help people approach conflict with more self-awareness.

Federal Dispute Resolution Annual Conference 2008

August 5, 2008 – Orlando, Florida

“Conflict Coaching: Evolution & Application as a DR Technique”

In this workshop, Cinnie discussed how conflict management coaching emerged as a specialized technique for mediators, HR professionals, and others to help people on a one-on-one basis to enhance their conflict management skills, to prevent unnecessary disputes, and to effectively engage in those that do arise. Cinnie shared how the concept has grown in Integrated and Informal Conflict Management Systems and Dispute Resolution programs and its many applications, including as a pre- and post-mediation technique and as an integral part of conflict management training.

 Mediators’ Institute of Ireland – 9th Annual Conference

November, 2007 – Cork, Ireland

“Working the Energy in the Room”

As a keynote speaker, Cinnie shared her thoughts and experiences about the growth of the ADR field and its impact on practitioners. She also discussed her pioneering work in the development of conflict management coaching as an example of the expansive growth of the field to include more and different techniques for helping people engage in conflict. Cinnie invited the audience to use their individual, collective, and organizational energy to reflect on ways to embrace the future and open the door to change.

Waves of Change – LEADR’s 8th Annual ADR Conference

September 2, 2005 – Sydney, Australia

“Conflict Coaching: When it works and when it doesn’t”

Cinnie spoke on the concept of conflict coaching as an innovative technique fast emerging in the ADR field. She talked about how and where it fits in the growing spectrum of techniques and what it is and is not.

An article on this presentation can be found here.

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