art work by John Ceprano
CINERGY (tm) - Peacebuilding... one person at a time

CINERGY Accredited Trainers And Coach Mentors




CINERGY Accredited Trainers (alphabetical order)

Sue AckerlySue Ackerly

Sue Ackerly is a registered psychologist, an accredited mediator, executive and conflict management coach. In recent years Sue has held ombuds roles for the Global Fund based in Geneva and government agencies within Australia.   In this capacity she has not only provided coaching services and facilitated conflicts but also, offered feedback to senior leaders to achieve greater organizational health.    Sue has delivered CINERGY Conflict Management Coaching programs for HR practitioners, mediators, and leaders across diverse organizations.  Her passion is helping people build positive and safe workplaces in which individuals and organizations can achieve great results and she finds that conflict management coaching and training others strongly supports this purpose. Sue provides CINERGY training under the auspices of CLE Consulting.

Lucille BoettgerLucille Boettger

Lucille is based in Canada and has extensive experience as a mediator, conflict management coach, facilitator and trainer. She completed both the CINERGY Introductory and Advanced Conflict Coaching Workshops in the early 2000s and was a coach mentor and CINERGY assessor for several years before becoming an accredited trainer.  Being fluently bilingual, Lucille conducts the workshops in both French and English, and also works for the UN as a conflict coach consultant. Lucille brings compassion and a non-judgmental approach to all her work and interactions. She has a keen ability to remain present and provide insightful feedback that enriches participants’ learning. Lucille is the Manager of Client Services for CINERGY.

Lucille est basée au Canada et possède une vaste expérience en tant que médiatrice, coach en gestion des conflits, facilitatrice et formatrice. Elle a suivi l’atelier de base ainsi que l’atelier avancé en matière de coaching des conflits CINERGY au début des années 2000 et a été coach mentor et évaluatrice CINERGY pendant plusieurs années avant de devenir formatrice accréditée. Parfaitement bilingue, Lucille anime les ateliers en français et en anglais et est aussi consultante en coaching de gestion des conflits pour l’ONU. Lucille apporte de la compassion et une approche sans jugement à tout son travail et à ses interactions. Elle a une grande capacité à rester présente et à fournir des commentaires perspicaces qui enrichissent l’apprentissage des participants. Lucille est la gestionnaire du service à la clientèle pour CINERGY.

Lynora BrookeLynora Brooke

Lynora brings an extensive background in mentoring, leadership coaching, facilitation, workplace mediation and training to her role as a CINERGY Accredited Trainer for Resolution Institute. Based in Australia, Lynora has trained hundreds of people in the CINERGY coaching model, conducted a multitude of CINERGY conflict management coaching sessions with corporate, private and government clients, and witnessed how powerfully the model positively impacts peoples’ lives. With an approachable, adaptable, humorous yet pragmatic training style, Lynora is passionate about empowering workshop participants to realize their potential, improve their own conflict competency, and learn to support others to embrace conflict more effectively using the CINERGY model. Lynora  provides CINERGY training  under the auspices of Resolution Institute.

Kate HamptonKate Hampton

Kate is based in Australia and is a conflict management coach, career coach, adult educator, and Human Resource Professional.  In addition to training and coach-mentoring on practitioner programs, she co-delivers the CINERGY ‘Leader as Coach’ program to managers in a large Australian Government agency. Witnessing course participants have those ‘ah ha’ moments as they release the shackles of advice-giver and move to a coaching mindset is a career highlight for Kate. Creating an environment where it is safe for workshop participants to develop their conflict coaching competence is a priority for her and Kate’s love of learning and curiosity are her superpowers! Kate trains CINERGY workshops  under the auspices of CLE Consulting.

Louise HylandLouise Hyland

Based in Ireland, Louise is a qualified mediator, an accredited coach (International Coaching Federation) and a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach. Louise works in the private and public sectors in Ireland as a consultant, coach and trainer. The concentration of her work is in conflict resolution, emotional intelligence and communication and her clients are primarily middle to senior management leaders. With a rich 30-year career in retail leadership, Louise’s guiding philosophy centers around the belief that effective team leadership starts with self-leadership. She is known for bringing a unique perspective to her work, in which she focuses on the neuroscience and self-determination principles found in the CINERGY model. Louise is passionate about empowering and supporting both her clients and workshop participants to achieve their desired results through this powerful and transformative approach.

Sharad KerurSharad Kerur

Based in Canada, Sharad is a certified CINERGY Conflict Management Coach, Trainer and Coach-Mentor, a trained Personal & Business Coach, and a certified Conflict Dynamics Profile practitioner. He is also a qualified mediator, a certified workplace fairness analyst, and instructor in the areas of navigating conflict relationships and difficult conversations. Sharad strongly supports the concept of self-determination. He  believes that the best goals and plans for action come directly from the client, and that partnering with them in the development of their awareness and insights are key coaching fundamentals. Likewise, Sharad sees his role as trainer and coach-mentor as a partnering relationship in which he supports participants’ learning these and other important coaching concepts.

Terry McCarthyTerry McCarthy

Based in Canada, Terry was a Small Claims Court Judge, lawyer, mediator, dispute resolution consultant and coach, who brings a strong background in adult learning techniques to his role as a CINERGY Accredited Trainer. A gifted trainer and coach, Terry is well known for his supportive, patient and respectful manner of imparting knowledge and providing feedback that facilitates workshop participants’ learning.

Catherine O'ConnellCatherine O’Connell

Based in  Ireland, Catherine is a qualified and experienced mediator, facilitator, Enneagram consultant, restorative justice practitioner and conflict management coach. She also worked many years experience in HR Management. Catherine has completed both the Introductory and Advanced CINERGY conflict management coaching workshops. Her energy, humor, generosity of spirit and caring are evident to all who observe Catherine in her work.

Franca PetroneFranca Petrone

Franca has extensive experience as a trainer, mediator, conflict management coach and restorative engagement facilitator.   Based in Australia, she uses CINERGY conflict management coaching to support clients in developing their conflict management competence and confidence and achieving their goals.  As a coach-mentor Franca is compassionate and understanding.  She encourages workshop participants to build on their existing skills and strengths to develop as coaches.  Franca continues to be delighted at the power and simplicity of the CINERGY conflict management coaching model and the insights, shifts and transformations she has the privilege to witness. Franca provides CINERGY training under the auspices of Resolution Institute.

Patricia "Pattie" PorterPatricia “Pattie” Porter, Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

Based in Texas, Pattie is a licensed clinical social worker and a highly experienced conflict management consultant, mediator, trainer and graphic facilitator. She has completed the CINERGY Introductory and Advanced Conflict Coaching Workshops and is a CINERGY Certified Advanced Conflict Coach. Pattie brings her characteristic warmth, engaging manner and compassion to the team of CINERGY Accredited Trainers. She cares deeply about participants’ learning and aims to ensure they experience the magic of the CINERGY process.


Catherine PowellCatherine Powell

Catherine is a conflict management coach, mediator and investigator who works with organizations to triage complaints and conflict-prone situations in workplaces.  She co-delivers the Coaching Approach to Workplace Conflict (CAWC) 2-day course for Resolution Institute in Australia and is a coach mentor for CINERGY Conflict Management Coaching . Catherine also coach-mentors for mediator training courses.   She has worked as a consultant for many years, in industry and government sectors, to help individuals and organizations manage conflict and change. Conflict Management Coaching is an essential part of her ‘toolkit’ due to its diverse uses, practical application and empowering attributes. She provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of Resolution Institute.

Heidi RuppertHeidi Ruppert

Based in Canada, Heidi is a lawyer, mediator, conflict management consultant, trainer, facilitator and coach, who demonstrates superb skills in her role as a CINERGY Accredited Trainer. She is a graduate of the CINERGY Introductory and Advanced Conflict Coaching Workshops. At all times, Heidi can be counted on for her insights, engaging sense of humour and caring. Her brilliant and articulate way of sharing knowledge and supporting people in their learning, is constantly and consistently acknowledged by participants in the CINERGY workshops.

Noelene SalmonNoelene Salmon

Based in  Australia, Noelene has 20 years’ experience in senior Human Resources and Industrial Relations until her focus turned to the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution as a mediator, facilitator and as a  CINERGY Conflict Management Coach and an Accredited  Trainer. Before starting her own conflict management business  Noelene worked extensively in government where she introduced ADR and workplace training programs based on the CINERGY model. Noelene has a passion for coaching and mediation inspired by the transformation these processes provide for clients and teams in conflict and distress. She has a warm and empathetic style sharpened by insight and softened by humour. Noelene provides CINERGY training under the auspices of Resolution Institute.

Rho SandburgRho Sandberg

Rho Sandberg is a Master Certified Coach, organisational and leadership development consultant, conflict management coach, facilitator and mediator based in Australia. She is passionate about fostering conflict leadership and has a keen interest in the relationship between organisational culture and unconscious use of power on the emergence of workplace and social conflict. Rho strongly supports experiential learning and shares her expertise with participants of the CINERGY workshops in a generous and caring manner. Rho is the Principal of CLE Consulting one of CINERGY‘s organizational licensees.

CINERGY Accredited Coach-Mentors (alphabetical order)

Like our CINERGY Accredited Trainers, our cadre of Coach-Mentors continues to grow and many go on to become CINERGY Accredited Trainers. The current crew is as follows:

Justine BellJustine (Juzzy) Bell

Justine is a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach and  Accredited Coach-Mentor based in Australia. She has a wealth of experience and expertise in conflict management spanning more than 25 years, having honed her coaching, mediation, and mentoring skills as an Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force. Justine now runs her own business and continues to work with diverse cultural and social backgrounds at all levels of the organizational hierarchy.  She also has a particular passion for working with people going through separation and divorce. Justine’s whole-hearted use of the CINERGY coaching model, and ability to quickly build a warm and professional rapport with her clients empowers them to succeed in creating and reaching their coaching goals. This same positive energy reflects  the support  she extends to workshop participants in the conflict management coaching workshops – to  achieve their greatest potential.

Fiona BigelliFiona Bigelli

Fiona Bigelli has a rich career background working with conflict through a variety of senior roles in employment law, business management and human resources. She now runs a boutique conflict resolution firm in Australia that specializes in coaching, mediation, consulting and workplace investigations. As a CINERGY Certified practitioner, Fiona is known for her passion in applying conflict management coaching in a variety of circumstances where her clients are seeking resolution, change and personal development. Known for her warm, generous-spirited and enthusiastic coach-mentoring style, Fiona is highly committed to supporting new learners of CINERGY workshops under the auspices of Resolution Institute!

Carol BowenCarol Bowen

Carol is a CINERGY Conflict Management Coach and Mentor based in  Australia with over 20 years’ experience and professional development in dispute resolution. She is well qualified and fluent in a range of dispute resolution services which she delivers to national and international clients. Carol is committed to ensuring that each client receives an opportunity to become more resourceful in the way they deal with and manage conflict. One of her main passions is developing individuals and teams to increase their conflict capability. Carol provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of Resolution Institute.


David BrysonDavid Bryson

David Bryson was trained by Cinnie  in one of the earliest CINERGY workshops held in Australia in the early 2000’s. He is a highly sought after executive coach, especially in the context of organizational change and has observed the many benefits of conflict management coaching in his work. David’s passion is to build the capacity of managers to handle conflict constructively and to bring more of themselves to their work. He is also an accomplished trainer and coach in the related fields of facilitation and mediation. David brings his  supportive way of connecting to his coach- mentoring role (under the auspices of Resolution Institute) and CINERGY participants are the beneficiaries of this and his enthusiasm and strong experience.

Sarah ChanSarah Chan

Sarah runs a conflict resolution firm in Australia and brings a diverse background in mediation, coaching, human resources and business leadership to her role as a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach and Accredited Coach-Mentor.  Sarah is passionate about the application of this model of  coaching in the conflict management field and finds that its format  provides a very effective method for developing conflict capability in her clients. In her role as coach-mentor, Sarah is known for her warm, insightful and supportive style. She is continually inspired by working with others as they learn and embrace the CINERGY model and all its benefits. She provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of Resolution Institute.

Bradley ChenowethBradley Chenoweth

Bradley is a mediator, facilitator, organizational consultant, executive coach, and a former lawyer. He teaches system transformation, collaborative innovation, dispute resolution, and negotiation in professional and university programs. Bradley is a faculty member with IDEAS Asia Pacific (MIT Sloan) and the Presencing Institute. He is also Visiting Fellow to the Australian National University as Director, Centre for Dialogue. With conflict competence central to success in modern organizations, Bradley regularly uses the CINERGY coaching model – to support his clients shift their patterns in conflict and effectively transform their results. Similarly, he supports new learners in conflict management coaching workshops to gain the requisite skills to incorporate this form of coaching in their work. He provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of Resolution Institute.

Maureen ClearyMaureen Cleary

Maureen is an accredited CINERGY  coach-mentor, a nationally accredited mediator, a trainer and a facilitator based in Australia. With extensive experience in senior operational management in the human service industry, she  specialized in coaching managers in the planning and implementation of organizational change and quality improvement processes. Maureen’s approach was based on establishing a deep understanding of the individual manager’s experience, the presenting challenges, and the strategies that will work best for the person, the organization and stakeholders. Maureen brings this same approach to her work with CINERGY . She is known for providing insightful feedback in a warm and engaging manner and has a unique ability to join workshop participants and clients alike as an ally in their growth. She provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of CLE Consulting.

Maura Croghan

Maura Croghan is an energetic and highly motivated executive and conflict management coach and learning facilitator.   She brings proven experience to her coaching and coach-mentoring practice, with decades of working as a Human Resource Professional assisting individuals and teams in conflict across tertiary education, emergency services, IT, defence and natural resource sectors.  With Maura’s training in human resources,  psychology and equal opportunity she was sought after as Senior Conciliator for the Office of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity in Australia.  Maura acknowledges the importance of adult learning principles and provides unwavering support to participants in the CINERGY workshops to practice and gain the requisite skills to coach clients through their disputes. She provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of CLE Consulting.

Adity DhareulaAdity Dhareula

Based in Australia, Adity came to the field of conflict management in 2016 from an engineering background and has since become a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach, and Accredited Coach-Mentor. She is also a facilitator, mediator and team-building trainer. Coming from a critical thinking and analytical background, Adity appreciates the simplicity of the well-designed and structured CINERGY model which engineers each client’s ability to engage in critical thinking and analysis of conflict from every aspect. She is particularly impressed with the real-time reflection and transition that clients experience during the coaching process. As an Accredited  Coach-Mentor,working  under the auspices of Resolution Institute, Adity understands the importance of creating space for workshop participants so that they feel safe to fully engage in their learning, to tap into their own experience of conflict – an integral part of their training – and to strengthen their existing skills. She uses her warm, calming approach coupled with compassionate feedback to draw on the strengths of each participant so they succeed in becoming confident and competent conflict management coaches.

Kelly FogartyKelly Fogarty

Kelly is a Certified CINERGY conflict management coach based in Ireland.  She has extensive experience in mediation and conflict coaching and is passionate about enabling individuals to achieve their goals. Kelly’s background is in social studies.  Alongside her work with families, separating couples and workplace, Kelly worked with NGOs in Ireland and Africa.  She has a kind and patient character, which encourages her clients to increase their own self-awareness and self-belief in a safe environment, in line with the CINERGY model.

Louise HylandLouise Hyland

Based in Ireland, Louise is a qualified mediator, an accredited coach (International Coaching Federation) and a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach. In addition to coach-mentoring CINERGY workshop participants, Louise works in the private and public sectors in Ireland as a consultant, coach and trainer. The concentration of her work is in conflict resolution, emotional intelligence and communication and her clients are primarily middle to senior management leaders. With a rich 30-year career in retail leadership, Louise’s guiding philosophy centres around the belief that effective team leadership starts with self-leadership. She is known for bringing a unique perspective to her work, in which she focuses on the neuroscience and self-determination principles found in the CINERGY model. Louise is passionate about empowering and supporting both her clients and workshop participants to achieve their desired results through this powerful and transformative approach.

Debbie KassirerDebbie Kassirer

Based in Canada, Debbie is a conflict management practitioner with a background in social work, business and alternative dispute resolution. Her work focuses primarily on helping workplaces resolve conflict and enhance respectful practices. Included among the services Debbie provides are conflict management coaching, mediation, workplace restoration and workplace assessments. She finds it particularly rewarding when she partners with clients to support them in their efforts to achieve their personal and collective goals. Debbie prides herself on being a life-long learner who takes pleasure in applying new insights and learning to her work, and supporting others in their efforts to do so.

Tiffany KellyTiffany Kelly

Tiffany is located in Australia and has been an accredited Conflict Management Coach and Mediator for over ten years. Specialising in workplace conflict Tiffany has worked extensively with the Department of Defence, the NSW Health Department and now, mostly works in relationship and parenting conflict management coaching. With an extensive back ground in training and education and in her role as coach mentor, Tiffany has established and facilitates the Sydney Conflict Coaching Community of Practice group and is passionate about providing ongoing education and support to the CINERGY Conflict Management Coaches in her region. She provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of Resolution Institute.

Lucie LapointeLucie Lapointe

Lucie apporte plus de 40 ans d’expérience en gestion des ressources humaines au sein d’organisations fédérales canadiennes à son rôle de coach-mentor CINERGY et utilise le modèle de coaching CINERGY depuis 2003. Elle a été l’une des premières praticiennes en gestion informelle des conflits au sein des Forces armées canadiennes, et a offert à partir de 2001 des services de médiation, de facilitation, de coaching et de formation à une multitude de personnes.  En tant que coach-mentor dans les ateliers de CINERGY francophones, Lucie amène de l’authenticité, de la douceur et une profonde compréhension de l’humain afin de soutenir l’apprentissage des participants.

Lucie brings over 40 years of experience in human resources management within federal Canadian organizations to her role as a CINERGY coach-mentor and has been using the CINERGY coaching model since 2003. She was one of the first informal conflict management practitioners within the Canadian Armed Forces, and from 2001 onward offered mediation, facilitation, coaching and training services to a multitude of personnel. As a coach-mentor in the French-speaking CINERGY workshops, Lucie brings authenticity, gentleness and a deep understanding of the human being to support the learning of the participants.

Amanda SemenoffAmanda Semenoff

Based in the Canadian Pacific Northwest, Amanda is a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach, a Registered Roster Mediator and a Trauma-Informed Practitioner. She also has extensive experience working with neurodiverse clients. Amanda views each conflict as an opportunity for deepening relationships and personal growth, and for supporting clients to forge their own paths to resolution. She is intent on meeting the unique needs of each client, by co-creating with them safe and authentic engagements. With this compelling approach Amanda supports clients, as well as workshop participants, to distill complex problems to their essential elements, to discover possibilities and to create concrete action plans to move them forward.

Katie SnyderKathryn (Katie) Snyder

Katie is a CINERGY Certified Conflict Management Coach and Accredited Coach-Mentor based in the U.S.. She has over 20 years’ experience in business, non-profit organizations, and law. Katie is certified by the International Coaching Federation as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and is also certified in the Conflict Dynamic Profile assessment (CDP) which supports the CINERGY Coaching model. A strong believer  in the power of self-determination Katie views her clients and the CINERGY workshop participants as creative, innovative and well able to develop conflict competence and find  their own solutions to their interpersonal conflicts.

Katie StarkKatie Stark

As a CINERGY-accredited conflict management coach and mentor, Katie applies her skills to empower individuals and organizations to navigate conflict and achieve meaningful change. Starting her career as a commercial lawyer, she now runs a mediation practice in Melbourne, specializing in family and workplace mediation, conflict coaching, and mentoring. Her legal background combined with her conflict resolution experience across the private and non for profit sectors, enables Katie to offer clients a uniquely balanced approach – blending empathy with structured, practical guidance. Katie values and enjoys supporting emerging CINERGY practitioners under the auspices of Resolution Institute.

Kathy SybenKathy Syben

Kathy discovered CINERGY conflict management coaching while working as a workplace investigator and immediately resonated with its capacity to address conflict and heal relationships through building insight and practical conflict management skills.  One of the many keys to unleashing new potential and momentum, she learned from her training, is the importance of framing insightful questions to uncover underlying assumptions or hidden competing needs. Passionate about continuous learning and with a fascination about why we do what we do, Kathy completed an Advanced Diploma of Neuro-leadership, deepening her understanding of the behaviours that drive our own and others’ success. In addition, she brings deep insights into the machinations of organizational transition, drawn from her many years of strategic and hands-on roles as a People and Culture executive.   Kathy’s blend of curiosity, compassion and pragmatism help many workshop participants and clients alike, to moments of insight and positive action. She provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of CLE Consulting.

Liz TilleyLiz Tilley

Based in Australia, Liz is an executive coach (accredited by the International Coach Federation) and a conflict management coach with a background of over 25 years in communications. Liz has a special interest in helping clients reconnect with their inner wisdom and self-leadership, and sees conflict management skills as being core to this development. Liz sees the CINERGY conflict management coaching model as being a powerful method for bringing insight and understanding and she feels honoured to witness the shifts and transformations it brings about in clients. Her approach is warm, calm and engaging. Liz provides CINERGY coach-mentoring under the auspices of CLE Consulting.


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