In this podcast John and Tony asked Cinnie great questions that delved into the critical role of self-awareness in enhancing conflict competence. Cinnie shared many insights on identifying triggers, understanding underlying values, and shifting habitual behaviors to effectively manage interpersonal disputes. She talked about how self-reflection, intentional behavior changes, rehearsing new behaviours and mindfulness practices can transform conflict resolution skills. And they discussed the importance of recognizing specific triggers and personal values to gain deeper insights into our reactions and responses during conflicts. Cinnie suggested practical tips and techniques for building healthier personal and professional relationships when dealing with workplace disputes or personal disagreements.
Cinnie was interviewed by Idil Elveris for the podcast We Can Find A Way . Cinnie answered questions Idil posed about what conflict coaching is; why it is needed; the necessary conflict competencies for people in leadership; how a manager’s style of conflict can effect new generations and more.
Cinnie was interviewed by William Coreless on his fun and interesting podcast. These are some of the topics covered: Why people elect to choose conflict management coaching (also known as conflict coaching) over mediation; The benefits of this process; The framework using the CINERGY model developed over 20 years ago; Internal reactions to conflict vs external reactions; Considerations for coaches when it comes to clients venting; How to analyze and have a productive coaching session; Types/examples of questions coaches ask; Examples of where conflict coaching is being applied.
In this interview for – by Veronica Cravener – Cinnie provided: An overview of the one-on-one process of conflict management coaching; When and how conflict management coaching can be used; The importance of distinguishing between the skills and competencies required for conflict management coaching versus mediation; An introduction to The CINERGY® model of conflict management coaching; A brief discussion of the conflict analysis tool “The (Not So) Merry-Go-Round of Conflict”.
Cinnie was invited to an interview by Better Conflict Conversations Project run by Jessica Hawkins and Keita Demming – joined also by Sarah Albo – to have a conversation about her views as a conflict coach regarding, among other things, difficult conversations and how to make them better. (Recording no longer available)
Gregg Fenten of Mediation Station engaged Cinnie in a discussion on forgiveness and guilt – two common words and experiences that come up commonly in the field of mediation and conflict management coaching
In this podcast titled ‘Coaching Your Way to Collaboration’, Cinnie discussed with Julia Menard and Gordon White creating ‘conflict management coaching,’ the value of effective conflict management becoming a core competency in organizations, normalizing conflict through leadership, why a face-to-face dialogue isn’t necessarily the best way to deal with a conflict, the link between resiliency and conflict, how covid-19 has affected organizational conflict, and how to explore the idea that conflict is an opportunity for profound growth as a person.
In his series of interviews with dispute resolution practitioners, Michael Lang interviewed Cinnie about her research, among other things, in the development of the CINERGY model of conflict management coaching.
Cinnie was interviewed by Jane Beddall (Dovetail Resolutions, LLC) as part of her series of podcasts on Crafting Solutions to Conflict – a positive and practical perspective on conflict. In this 25 minute episode, Cinnie talked with Jane about building conflict intelligence and how conflict provides an opportunity for strengthening relationships.
Cinnie was interviewed by Kathy Caprino – writer for Forbes blog – on the topic of “What You Don’t Know About Conflict Resolution Will Hurt You”. The interview began with some background on how Cinnie got into the area of conflict management coaching and how leaders are challenged in their approach to managing conflict. In response to Ms. Caprino’s questions in this regard, Cinnie then shared strategies to help resolve conflicts and discussed what most people don’t understand about conflict.
In this interview Marc Bhalla of ADRAthletics asked Cinnie for her thoughts about the health and well-being of conflict practitioners who are constantly exposed to the tensions and emotions of people in conflict. Cinnie shared her way of managing these sorts of realities that go with this line of work. (Recording no longer available)
Cinnie was interviewed by Jason Dykstra on the topic of Leadership and Coaching. They discussed many topics including what makes conflict healthy or unhealthy, how leaders can begin the process of managing conflict better, listening as an ethical act, the importance of curiosity and of humility, and what makes a powerful question. (Recording no longer available)
In this conversation with Beth Buelow of How Can I Say This, Cinnie discussed what constitutes healthy and unhealthy conflict. She also offered some perspectives on dealing with passive-aggressive behaviour.
Irene Becker of Just Coach It interviewed Cinnie for her Success Leaves Clues series in her 3Q Leadership Blog. Cinnie answered questions about her mission and her greatest accomplishments as a trailblazer and change-maker. (Recording no longer available)
In this interview by Laura Hurubaru, a business strategy coach, Cinnie spoke about how she learned about coaching and how she made the transition from law and mediation to conflict management coaching as a career. In response to Laura’s questions, Cinnie also offered advice for women wanting “to get out there”.
In this radio interview titled “Let’s Consider Different Ways of Doing What We Do”, host Gregg Fenten interviewed Cinnie about various changes she suggests to the process of mediation and related training aimed at optimizing disputants’ experience with conflict. Cinnie spoke about the importance of conflict specialists being able to adapt both in process and how they think about themselves and about the people in conflict to help disputants optimize their potential to participate in this forum and work towards the outcomes they want.
Cinnie was interviewed by Amanda Semenoff and C.D. Saint of Overthinking Conflict as part of their series on reinforcing core conflict resolution skills. In this episode – “spotlight on effective questions” – Cinnie discussed why questions are so important to the resolution process and how we as coaches, mediators and other conflict practitioners can ask better questions. (Recording no longer available)
As part of a project in her studies – at George Mason University, School of Conflict Analysis and Transformation – Tamara Hamilton interviewed Cinnie. Most questions are specific to a conflict situation on the campus and the role conflict management coaching might play. (Recording no longer available)
Ronald Williams-Garcia interviewed Cinnie as part of the blog talk radio series being held to inform members about a number of the upcoming sessions scheduled for the Association for Conflict Resolution’s 2017 Annual Conference. She and Tammy Lenski are co-hosting a pre-conference session entitled “Professional Success In ADR: How do I get there from here?” In the interview Cinnie described what the session entails and the outcomes expected. (Recording no longer available)
Gregg Fenten and his co-host Brian J. Martin interviewed Cinnie on the MEDIATION STATION on the topic of “Coaching Conflict Management Professionals to Improve How They Do What They Do”. Brian and Gregg asked Cinnie questions such as: What is the purpose of coaching and more specifically conflict management coaching? What are the things that ADR professionals bring to conflict management coaching? Do you see or notice any themes regarding conflict management professionals? What could be done regarding any practitioner’s training to address or deal with the concerns you are raising?
Bob Acton of How to Feel Fantastic interviewed Cinnie on the subject of Resilience in Conflict. This is part of a podcast series that Bob was doing on the subject of Resilience at the time. In this conversation, Bob and Cinnie talked about how conflict can wear you down both in our personal life and at work. Cinnie shared some practical ideas about how to get out of a conflict cycle.
Dr. Michelle Pizer interviewed Cinnie for this virtual summit and she spoke on the topic of “Conflict is a Leader’s Friend”. Among other things, Cinnie discussed why conflict is a leader’s friend, why many leaders tend to avoid conflict, what makes effective conflict management a factor in breaking the leadership code, and the characteristics that reflect conflict intelligent leaders.
In this interview by Lauren Atherton of Mediators Beyond Borders International, Lauren spoke to Cinnie about her career as a mediator, conflict management coach and her connection to MBBI.
Always a very engaging and interesting interviewer, Tammy Lenski spoke to Cinnie, not only about her career, but what informed her decisions about the career path she took.
Dr. Michelle Pizer interviewed Cinnie for this virtual summit and spoke on the topic of “The Conflict Intelligent Leader”. She discussed what makes effective conflict management a factor in breaking the leadership code, the types of conflict-related challenges leaders commonly encounter and the traits that reflect conflict intelligent leaders.
In this podcast for Earbud_U Cinnie spoke with Jesan Sorrells of Human Services Consulting and Training about her work as a founder of CINERGY® Coaching and other aspects of her career journey. (Recording no longer available)
Cinnie was interviewed by Joel Boggess and Dr. Pei Kang on their ReLaunch show. This is a popular podcast in which these talented hosts interview people who have “relaunched” their lives and careers in various ways. Cinnie has changed her career five times – building on each and developing her skills to do her current work as a pioneer of conflict management coaching. (Recording no longer available)
Cinnie was interviewed by Pattie Porter on the subject “The Quest for Conflict Intelligence: How Questions Help Us Find Our Way Through Conflict”. Cinnie answered questions such as: What motivated you to write Conflict Mastery: Questions to Guide You?; How do you yourself use questions in your coaching or mediation practice?; You use metaphors and others ways to frame some of your questions. How are they helpful?
Mari Frank interviewed Cinnie with respect to her books Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY Model and Conflict Mastery: Questions to Guide You. In addition, Cinnie answered questions for Mari such as: From lawyer to mediator to a creating conflict management coaching model, how did that all evolve? What are a few examples of the sorts of cases you coach? Tell me more about Conflict Mastery: Questions to Guide You and how it came into being. (Recording no longer available)
In this interview Tammy Lenski asks Cinnie about her new book Conflict Mastery: Questions to Guide You .
In this podcast interview, peacebuilder and lawyer Doug Noll interviewed Cinnie about her professional evolution from social work to business owner, lawyer, mediator and coach. Focusing then on conflict management coaching, Cinnie answered questions about the growth of this field and her practice which includes coaching lawyers, mediators and others in the conflict management field.
In this fun interview, host Chris McAuliffe and Mike Shereck both asked Cinnie a range of questions on the CINERGY Coaching model and how it applied to specific situations that they raised from their own experiences. Cinnie also provided tips for coaches to help their clients through conflict, and responded to a number of other thought provoking and interesting queries about conflict engagement.
Pattie Porter, host of the Texas Conflict Coach Blog Talk Radio Program, interviewed Cinnie on “The Quest for Conflict Mastery”. Cinnie discussed such topics as positive conflict and necessary versus unnecessary conflict. She also talked about the meaning of conflict mastery – which she also refers to as conflict intelligence – and what helps optimize the quest to get there.
Gregg Fenten, Transformation Consultant, Community Building Specialist, and Producer/Host of The Mediation Station interviewed Cinnie about her work as a conflict management coach and transition to mediation and conflict management coaching from the practice of law. In addition, Cinnie responded to Gregg’s questions such as, How do you get yourself to see things from a collaborative mindset after having been educated in and practiced law with the more adversarial approach of lawyers? and What are peoples’ obstacles in dealing with conflict? and What is meant by ‘Coaching Courage to be in Conflict’?
In this interview, Aled Davies of the Mediator Academy asks Cinnie: How does she define conflict management coaching? Who typically needs or wants to avail themselves of this process? How is it different from mediation? How does one become a conflict management coach?
Marianne Perez from Peace is Sexy interviewed Cinnie and asked questions such as: How did you get started; What interests you most about what you are doing now; What is your biggest accomplishment; Why is peace sexy to you; and so on.
In this episode of the unique Conflict Specialist Show, Dave Hilton asked Cinnie a range of questions on topics such as: conflict management coaching vs. other types of coaching; the CINERGY coaching model; conflict coaching vs. other forms of dispute resolution; why mediators should train to be a conflict management coach; and more.
In this interview by Edwin Rutsch, founding director of the Center for Building a Culture of Empathy, Cinnie shared her ideas of the subject of “Building a Culture of Empathy”.
Cinnie, Kenneth Cloke and Eileen Baker shared a panel that was moderated by Lorraine Segal on “The Intersection of Conflict Resolution and Empathy”. They answered powerful questions such as: What does empathy mean to you?; How do you help clients/parties find empathy for each other?; and What is the link between empathy and successful conflict management/resolution?
ADR practitioner Ben Ziegler of Collaborative Journeys conducted an interesting interview with Cinnie about the genesis of the Conflict Coaching Guild through LinkedIn. He asked about the Group’s objectives, constituency and lessons learned.
On this blog talk radio show experienced mediator, facilitator and coach Pattie Porter interviewed Cinnie about her CINERGY model of conflict management coaching and the types of challenges people face in finding their way through conflict. (recording no longer available)
In this energetic and entertaining interview Michael Bungay Stanier interviewed Cinnie about how she blended Alternative Dispute Resolution with coaching principles and new developments in neuroscience to develop a conflict management process. They talked about the love-hate relationship with getting feedback, how to get out of your fight-or-flight lizard brain when dealing with conflict and using creative metaphors to help coaching clients work through their anger. (Recording no longer available)
Jeff Thompson, co-creator of the ADRhub, conducted a fun-filled interview with Cinnie about her book Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY™ Model. Cinnie explained the motivation in writing it and how it can benefit not only conflict coaches but everyone who works in the field of conflict resolution and management. She also described the CINERGY model and acronym. (Recording no longer available)
In this interview entitled “Success leaves clues: A profile of Cinnie Noble”, Tammy Lenski interviewed Cinnie about her career path from social worker, to lawyer, to mediator, to coach and to coach trainer. For the most part, the interview focussed on Cinnie’s coaching journey and also, how she uses social media to build her business and network with her coaching and mediation colleagues. (Recording no longer available)
In this program The Texas Conflict Coach host Pattie Porter interviewed Cinnie on the topic of “Conflict Coaching: Empowering YOU to Move Through Conflict Constructively”. (Recording no longer available)